Christmas Handicap Results

50 runners competed for the club Christmas Handicap over the weekend  and by all accounts a good time was had by all. This was our first visit to Craufurdland Estate for the event and it proved to be a popular venue, helped no doubt by some unseasonably favourable weather.

For those new to handicaps the concept is that slower runners get a ‘start’ so that everyone has a chance. This year a traditional start was not possible so handicap times (created from coaches input and previous form, and decided in advance) are deducted from actual times. Having completed this excerise Mhairi Ballantyne is this years winner, outperforming her predicted time by just under 4 minutes. Well done Mhairi.

Fastest male on the day was Jonathon Downey with a fantastic performance outstripping all of Saturday’s runners by over 2 minutes. Craig Ferguson came close on Sunday but just couldn’t quite match Jonathon’s efforts. Fastest female, and with possibly the muddiest tights, was Laura Haggarty. Super veteran Stephen Chard brought up the rear of the field but at least he wasn’t as slow as the service at the window at The Lairds Table (but it was worth waiting for). The runner nearest their predicted time by a slim margin was Stewart Mcallister. Full results by Handicap and Actual are here – Results.

Thanks everyone for participating and entering into the fun of the event. Special mention to the efforts of Hannah McLean and Zoe Waddell, who ran in full Santa suits, Nick Carter who looked magnificent as ‘Saint Nicholas’ and to Ken Monaghan, the world’s worst dressed elf.

Thanks also to the marshals and volunteers over both days who made the event a success.

Merry Christmas everyone. 
