Christmas Fun Run 16th December

This year the Christmas Fun Run is to take place on Tuesday 16th December in the Arena starting at 18.00 for Registration.  Could parents ensure the children bring a wrapped unisex gift to the value  of around £3-00 for the Secret Santa.  You are not required to pay subs on the evening, but you are still required to register.  Juice and a Snack will be provided.

We intend to run round the track, down to the roundabout at the Rugby Club and back to the Arena.  As you will appreciate, for the children’s safety we will require Marshalls for the roadside.  High viz waistcoats will be provided for the Marshalls.  If we do not get the parent volunteer helpers required the night can not progress.  To that end, please intimate your availability to the Enquiry Desk to allow us to continue with the arrangements.

We haven’t been let down in the past and I’m sure you will not let us down again.  Please respond timeously so we are able to ensure this year’s Children’s Party is a huge success yet again.  For clarity’s sake, even though the event is taking place on a Tuesday, it is for all members whether you normally train on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
