Monday and Wednesday night athletes are to start back at training on Monday 11th January 2016.
The reason for the difference between this and the Tuesday / Thursday athletes is purely down to the lack of coaches. Both Billy Roberton and Colin Glencorse are unavailable for the previous week and we therefore have no Level 2 Athletic Coaches to cover the sessions. James Adams and Lesley Anne Allen have not yet completed their Level 2 qualifications, so are not entitled to cover the sessions. All the other coaches are Level 1 Assistant Coaches as well.
Sorry about this, but it does highlight the need for volunteers to assist with running the Club and also the need for Coaches, both volunteers seeking to qualify, and current coaches to work on their Continuous Personal Development (CPD) and perhaps think about moving up through the levels.
I appreciate that we volunteer to assist our children in their leisure and some do not have the time or have other commitments which preclude them from doing this. I also appreciate the time given by our current volunteers / coaches, some of whom no longer have children at the Club, who not only administer the Club on training nights, but also organise the several competitions throughout the year or who not only coach their sessions, but also provide other sessions and spend time planning sessions and entering CPD / progression through the levels on behalf of the Club.
Thank you all and may you enjoy this festive period and return refreshed for another year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.