Below report by Keith Haining…. Four YOUNG Killie runners headed to Clydebank on Wednesday evening for short blast around the three and a half lap 5k road run which took place in an industrial estate near the town’s Playdrome centre. An almost flat course favoured a quick time but with…
Running Blog
Below report by Paula Wilson “Running upstairs, tripping on the last one & flying into the door frame, then ending up at A&E, perhaps not the best preparation for a half marathon just 6 days later!! I ventured up to the Isle of Skye anyway, having already pre-entered the race,…
Report by John Tougher – The annual fathers day 10k at Bellahouston park today nearly didn’t go ahead this year due to lack of funding. However they managed to secure enough and did a great job putting it on as usual. A new addition this year was the rascal race,…
Round up of the Polaroid 10k Race Series. Having finally made my mind up at the tail end of the Winter that I wasn’t totally committed to a Spring Marathon to do it justice, I decided (after a wee chat with Club President and Coach Jim Young) that a good…
One of the new features of the new website is a facility where Members can now post experiences of any races they do, that they may wish to share with others. If anyone wishes to do a wee report, please get in touch with our website admin Eddie Tonner or myself,…