Carnethy Hill Race

Having withdrawn from this race a couple of weeks ago I decided to head over to the Pentlands and check out the form of my challengers for the 2014 hill championships.

It was a cold, windy but clear day and I was glad I was in my walking gear rather than running kit.  There was some wet, slippery snow on the higher parts of the course, although the ground was muddy but firm.

Its a great sight watching the 500 runners start snaking up the first hill and its amazing how soon the field spreads out in pretty much single file.  Standing near the summit of the first hill, Scald Law, it was about 12 minutes before the leaders reached me, and a further 7 before Roddy Pugh passed.  I’d missed Davie White as his Harriers vest (which I’m sure he was wearing) was covered by a grey windcheater.P1010009

From here I headed over to the mid point plateau of the 5th and final climb up Carnethy Hill.  This time I did spot Davie who was having another good run at this race, finishing in the top 100 in a time of 65.33.Last ascent

Roddy finished in 246th place in a time of 77.48, on a day I was happy to be walking.

There’s a few more photos on the Flickr site.

