Can you help Carry the baton for climate action in a record breaking relay!!!!

Help wanted!!!!

We’d be extremely delighted if club members wanted to sign up for any for the relay stages but, in particular, we’re looking for runners for stages 10, 11, 13 & 14 on Sept 30th – 1st October which are ran through Kilmarnock/East Ayrshire. Unfortunately there’s a good reason why these stages don’t yet have any runners – they’re at anti-social times of the night.

A lot of other night stages have been filled by ultra-runners and /or people who care deeply about climate issues and, one way or the other, I’m hoping they might appeal to some of your members. For what it’s worth, I do think it will be a memorable experience!

In any event, we’d be hugely grateful for any support from club members and, they would effectively be doing the relay a favour so we’d be happy to waive the entry fee for those stages. (if anyone is interested in signing up for the night stages please contact Amanda Bryden for free entry code). There is also a club members discount of 20% for any other stages if anyone is interested in these.


Information & FAQs about Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time is a record-breaking 7767 km non-stop relay from Glasgow (COP26 host) to Sharm el-Sheikh (COP27 host) in the name of climate action!

Launching on September 30th with a run for 3000 school students in central Glasgow, it will comprise 700+ (mostly 10 km) stages and travel through 18 countries before arriving at Sharm el-Sheikh on November 6th for the start of COP 27. Inside the baton will be a message on climate action from the young people of today to the world’s leaders at COP 27.

Powered exclusively by humans, the sun and the wind, the relay will unite runners, cyclists and sailors in an extraordinary, epic adventure. The baton will cross seas, mountain ranges, glaciers, and deserts and visit schools, at-risk locations and climate change projects. Gathering support every step of the way, it will arrive at COP 27 with the backing of more than a million voices.

Running Out of Time has been created by One Run – the global leaders in mass participation relays – and is only possible thanks to our environmental, educational and running partners.

Key Information for Runners & Cyclists

  1. Route Map, Stage Details & Registration :
  2. Stage length : Running stages are generally 5 – 10 km  ; cycling stages are generally 10 – 20 km long.
  3. Running pace : you need to be able to run 10 km in 70 minutes.
  4. Number of runners and cyclists per stage : Up to 25 runners per running stage and up to 10 cyclists per cycling stage.
  5. Age : Over 18 unless accompanied by a responsible adult
  6. FAQs :
  7. Dates : 30th September – 9th October, 2022
  8. Cost : £15 including a £5 donation to our charity partners
  9. Discount code for running clubs : use the code ROOT20 at check-out for a 20% discount