Cameron Crowned UK Champion

Cammy wins for Scotland

Kilmarnock harrier’s new men’s Captain Cammy Wilson travelled down to Chester
this week to represent Police Scotland in the British Police cross country
championships. The championships have been running since 1948 with the last
person from the legacy Strathclyde force area to win back in 1988 being none
other than Robert Hawkins, father of two of Scotland’s Glasgow 2014 athletes.
As is tradition with police x- country races each hosting force tries to make
the course as hard as possible for the runners and the course in Chester was no
exception with hills galore as is shown in the background of Cammy’s picture.
In the men’s race there were 184 finishers over the 6 mile course from forces all
over Britain. Newly crowned Scottish Champion Cammy showed that his hard work in training had paid off and led
from gun to tape to finish 1st and win the biggest race of his life as he was
crowned British Police Cross country champion.
Cammy would like to thank his coach Jim young and all the athletes who have
helped him over the past season.