Ayr Turkey Trot Races

As usual on Boxing Day, runners from all over converged on Ayr Promenade to burn off the Christmas calories, and to compete in a choice of 5k or 10k distance at the expertly Ayrodynamic organised Turkey Trot Races.

With both events attracting large pre entry only fields, the first race of the day was the shorter distance 5K. The flat out and back course was tempered by fairly stiff seaside breezes, however this didn’t halt Kilmarnock’s own Mark Alexander knocking a big chunk off of his pb as he came home an impressive 3rd overall of 174 finishers. Also happy, was Colleen Tait who finished 1st Female and special mentions have to go to the large number of Juniors taking part with, as ever at this time of year, some taking the run more serious than others.

Full Kilmarnock times and positions were –

3rd Mark Alexander 17.40, 15th (1st Female) Colleen Tait 20.43, 16th Alasdair Murray 20.58, 23rd Brodie McGregor 22.15, 24th Jordan Phillips 22.25, 39th Lottie Lambert 24.42, 45th Douglas Dickson 25.18, 66th Anna Lambert 26.19, 67th Viv Lambert 26.20, 78th Mark McGregor 27.02, 98th Sandra Dickson 28.39, 105th Emma McGregor 28.58, 149th Riordan Craig 33.03.

Last Race of the day was the 10k, and race winner Neil Renault clocked an impressive 31.09 to give himself a bit of daylight between himself and the rest of the field.

First home for Kilmarnock in a run which equalled his lifetime best time for the distance was Neil Walker, while it was inform Liz McDerment who was first Female Harrier to cross the line for the Harriers and 3rd in her category. Special mentions too, go to Ross Connelly who starts to see the benefits of some good recent Cross Country Races to clock a new pb in an excellent run, and husband and wife duo Alison and Kenny Wales who ran together and enjoyed the run.

Full Times and Positions for Killie were –

13th Neil Walker 35.38, 20th Ross Connelly 36.08, 23rd Connell Drummond 36.18, 28th James Connelly 37.02, 52nd Stewart McAllister 39.43, 56th Ali Neil 39.54, 95th Ian Johnstone 43.28, 107th Liz McDerment 44.09, 145th Paula Wilson 47.30, 146th Brian Darroch 47.31, 151st Kirsteen Salisbury 47.52, 152nd Stewart McRoberts 47.52, 161st Matt Ferguson 48.12, 200th Darren Ridout 51.11, 235th Jackie McCulloch 53.55, 236th Russell Duncan 53.55, 237th Alex McGhee 53.56, 270th Alison Wales 58.39, 271st Ken Wales 58.40

Well done to everyone taking part, and next race in the Kilmarnock Harriers Senior Winter Championships takes place at Beith on 2nd January 2016 where there are races throughout the age groups.



Indoor League Latest Standings

A number of the Clubs younger athletes have been competing in the Indoor League recently, and the early standings after meeting 1 are:

U11 Boys (competing teams 27) Kilmarnock A 12th, Kilmarnock B 24th
U11 Girls (competing teams 30) Kilmarnock A 9th, Kilmarnock B 16th
U13 Boys (competing teams 42) Kilmarnock A 7th, Kilmarnock B 26th
U13 Girls (competing teams 43) Kilmarnock A 15th, Kilmarnock B 23rd
U15 Boys (competing teams 37) Kilmarnock A 19th, Kilmarnock B 24th
U15 Girls (competing teams 46) Kilmarnock A 20th, Kilmarnock B 32nd
U17 Men (competing teams 33) Kilmarnock A 17th
U17 Women (competing teams 35) Kilmarnock A 29th, Kilmarnock B 22nd
U20 Men (competing teams 26) Kilmarnock A 10th
U20 Women (competing teams 28) Kilmarnock A 13th

Athletes getting into the top 6 places for performance were,
Eve Beswick who finished 3rd overall on the day for U11 Girls 600m.
Emily O’Shea 5th for U13 60m Hurdles and 3rd in High Jump.
Kudzai Tapatapa 6th in the U15 Boys 60m and also 6th in the 200m. Fraser Angus won in both the U17 mens 60m and 200m.
Cameron Wilson 6th in the U20 mens Shot Putt.

The next meeting is on the 10th of January and more details on this will be available on Club Nights.
