Awards Dance

Kilmarnock Harrier - News & Events


Annual Presentation Awards Dance

Saturday 18th January 2014


This year’s annual award dance will take place in New Farm Loch Community Centre, Kilmarnock on Saturday 18th January 2014 between 6.30 pm and 12 midnight.

Tickets will be on sale over the next few weeks on a first come first served basis, priced £8 per adult and £7 per child. A family ticket comprising 2 adults and 2 children will also be available for £25. Tickets prices include a buffet which will be served at 6.30pm.

Any children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

A raffle will take place during the evening. Parents and members are asked to donate a prize for the raffle which they can bring on any club night prior to the dance.

If you would like to attend please fill in the slip that will come with a letter that your child will receive and return it to the club.
