The Club Championships are being held on Sunday 30 August 2015. This is an event all athletes are encouraged to take part in. As this is a competition only for our members it is an ideal entry for anyone who has yet to compete. Registration is at 10:00 and first event…
Articles by Suzanne Sharp
There is an open track & field meeting being held at Dam Park, Ayr on Wednesday 19 August. This is for athletes from U11 upwards. Registration opens at 545pm and closes 730pm or 30 minutes before start of each event whichever is earliest. The first event is 600m for U11 at…
Ayrshire Harriers are holding an Open Track & Field meeting on 10 June 2015 for U11 to veterans. Registration opens at 545pm and will close 30 minutes before the event start time. All entries will close at 730pm. The program of events is on the notice board in the registration…
The Ayrshire School Championships is being held on Wednesday 3 June at Dam Park, Ayr if anyone from the club is available to help could they email Bill Simpson at asap.
Anyone wishing a seat on the bus to Dumfries on Sunday 26 April is asked to pay for their seat with any events they wish to enter when they hand their sheet back in at registration. Priority will be given to athletes but parents may travel on bus if there…
The club is running a bus to Dumfries on 26 April 2015, the cost of the bus will be £5 and athletes will pay for their own entries. Entries on the day are £3 per event or £2 in advance. Any athletes wishing to join us on the bus and to…
Ayrshire Harriers are holding an open Track & Field Meeting at Ayrshire Athletic Arena on Sunday 12 April 2015. Registration opens at 10:00am. All details are on the notice board in registration.
Could all athletes please note that the meeting that was due to take place on Sunday 8 February has been cancelled. Any questions please ask registration.