Just to remind everyone that has signed up for the officials training course it is taking place tomorrow, Tuesday 5 April 630pm until 930pm.
Articles by Suzanne Sharp
Anyone who wishes to enter the 3000m, hurdles or pole vault at this meeting MUST pre enter. Please email Lesley Anne at Lesleyanne.allen@yahoo.co.uk no later than 4 April 2016. No entries will be accepted on the day.
Hurdles training due to be held tonight (Monday 21 March ) at 6pm has been cancelled. Normal training at 7pm is on as normal.
There will be an Officials Training Workshop on Tuesday 5 April 6.30 – 9.30. Parents are encouraged to sign up for this as we need officials so that kids are able to compete, If as a club we are unable to provide officials then the kids will not be able…
The extra training taken by Lesley Anne Allen has been cancelled this week due to the school holidays.
Scottish Athletics website is now back up and running for anyone who wants to enter these. This competition is at the Emirates on 5 & 6 March. U13 & U20 are on Saturday 5 March and U15 and U20 are on Sunday 6 March. Entries were supposed to close midnight 15 February but…
Hurdles training session due to be held tonight at 6pm with Lesley Anne has been cancelled.
The National Indoor Combined Events takes place on 13 & 14 February 2016 for athletes U13 and above. Entries must be made via scottish athletics website and entries close Monday 25 January, no late entries accepted. Athletes compete in a Pentathlon in doing all 5 events which are 60m hurdles, 800m, long…
As there is only one indoor league meeting left it has been opened for any athlete to compete. This will be done on a first come first served basis until the teams are filled Sheets are in registration room athletes wishing to attend please add their name to the event…
Indoor League match 2 on the 10 January at Emirates Arena, Glasgow. Bus will leave the AAA at 12 noon and return at 1930. Permission slips will be handed out this week at the club. The club is aware that Monday and Wednesday night club athletes will not have…