Apologies for the link not working for the team selection but it should be ok now. Team Selection Match 2 21-1-17
Articles by Suzanne Sharp
The next indoor meeting at the Emirates. Glasgow is on Saturday 21 January, the bus will leave AAA at 12 noon and the cost will be £10 per athlete, this includes entry and bus. If anyone who has been selected cannot now attend please let Billy Roberton know asap so as…
Tomorrow night (15th Dec) is the last night for clothing orders required for Christmas and early January. Please remember all athletes selected for Indoor League meeting match 1 MUST wear a club vest. If orders are in by tomorrow they will be able to be collected next week.
The demand for the Indoors was far more than can be accommodated but if your name is not on the selection team can we emphasise that you will get an opportunity at the 2nd or 3rd meeting and are currently on the reserve list for this meeting. If anyone cannot…
The Christmas handicap for the juniors will take place on Thursday 15 December at AAA. If athletes could be there by 645pm it would help. All junior athletes are invited to attend even if they don’t usually train on a Thursday. Normal registration and payment procedures are suspended for the evening….
The Club has entered teams for the Indoor League which will be held at the Emirates in Glasgow on the following dates. Sunday 8 January 2017, Saturday 21 January 2017 and Sunday 19 February 2017. The club must provide 5 officials for each meeting, so if anyone can volunteer for…
As you all know the club can only function if we have people who can help. Can I remind you that all parents are required to volunteer (if they can) at least 8 hours per year to which is agreed when membership is taken up. We are always looking for volunteers…
Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no food van during tomorrows Club Champs. There will however be a small tuck shop selling cold salad rolls and soft drinks. Please ensure all athletes have enough food and drink as they will be there from 10am – 4pm.
For this event we need coaches and parents to volunteer to help. Only athletes that are members of Kilmarnock compete at this event. If you are able to help please add your name to the list which will be available in registration. If there is a particular job you can do please…
We will be running a bus to the above event. The bus will leave AAA at 830am and we hope to be back no later than 7pm. All seats should be paid for in advance. The cost of the bus will be £5.00. The timetable for the meeting will be…