Trophy Returns to Killie after 15 year gap Saturday 20th July was a day when Kilmarnock Harriers took the usual trip across the water to compete in the Round Arran Road Relays – an event which the Club has competed in for decades. 9 Members took part this year, and…
Articles by smartin
SOMETHING A WEE BIT DIFFERENT Last weekend (July 6th – 8th) I took a jaunt over the border to see some very good friends I hadn’t seen for long enough. As I pencilled the date in my diary a few weeks ago, I took a sneaky peek at what races…
Below report by Keith Haining…. Four YOUNG Killie runners headed to Clydebank on Wednesday evening for short blast around the three and a half lap 5k road run which took place in an industrial estate near the town’s Playdrome centre. An almost flat course favoured a quick time but with…
Below report by Paula Wilson “Running upstairs, tripping on the last one & flying into the door frame, then ending up at A&E, perhaps not the best preparation for a half marathon just 6 days later!! I ventured up to the Isle of Skye anyway, having already pre-entered the race,…
Report by John Tougher – The annual fathers day 10k at Bellahouston park today nearly didn’t go ahead this year due to lack of funding. However they managed to secure enough and did a great job putting it on as usual. A new addition this year was the rascal race,…
Round up of the Polaroid 10k Race Series. Having finally made my mind up at the tail end of the Winter that I wasn’t totally committed to a Spring Marathon to do it justice, I decided (after a wee chat with Club President and Coach Jim Young) that a good…
One of the new features of the new website is a facility where Members can now post experiences of any races they do, that they may wish to share with others. If anyone wishes to do a wee report, please get in touch with our website admin Eddie Tonner or myself,…
Last Wednesday, 19 Kilmarnock Harriers joined a field of almost 250 athletes at the now annual Ayr Seaforth organised Land o’ Burns 10K Road Race. This was the first race in the 2013 Club Championship, and as such a competitive event took place. First lady on the night was Kara…
All Kilmarnock Harriers, Coaches, Volunteers, and friends and family of Kilmarnock Harriers are all invited to a wee overdue Social gathering on Saturday June 1st. The venue will be at the Paris Match, and for anyone wanting to come along please do so, as it will be a great chance…
Helensburgh kicks off the Series On Thursday 16th May 2013, sole Kilmarnock Harrier Scott Martin took the hour long trip over the Erskine Bridge to Helensburgh to join over 700 runners who were taking part in the hugely popular Polaroid 10K Series. Scott gives an account on his race…… “Having competed in…