Articles by cdrummond

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR THIS QUARTER Volunteer Award – Big Thank You Nominations for any Volunteer (including Officials and Coaches) that goes over and above in supporting the Club’s activities.’ Athlete Award – Harriers Hero ‘Nominations will be based on any athlete who has made a significant achievement in the…

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The presentation for the quarterly awards were held on Tuesday 5th March at 7pm. We are pleased to announce that Victoria McDowall was our “Harrier Hero” for the last quarter with our Treasurer, Alasdair Murray winning the “Big Thank You” award. Well done to both worthy winners. These winners along…

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Babcock 10k Series – Early Bird Discount

Until 31st December there is £10 off series entries reducing the cost from £43 affiliated and £49.00 unaffiliated to £33 and £39 respectively. Key features: £6,000 in prizes £2,000 in cash prizes for leading individuals Unique commemorative medal for each race More Mile technical t-shirt for series entries Goody bags with…

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Macmillan Coffee Evening

The total amount Kilmarnock Harriers raised £408.80. A big thank you to all the volunteers who baked, supported by giving up their time to make the two evenings a huge success. As we are all aware it is the volunteers who have made the club the successful club it is…

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Buy from Amazon and donate to Kilmarnock Harriers for Free

Instead of shopping through the standard Amazon website, you can now buy through the below Amazon Site and donate money to Kilmarnock Harriers for no extra charge:- AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices and shopping features as The difference is that when…

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