Coach development is absolutely essential for the progress of athletics in Scotland and there’s another important date looming on 22 March 2015 It is the final of our Event Group Coach Development days following on from a session in December scottishathletics National Coach Mentors and guest coaches will deliver a…
Articles by Andy Kyle
Ayrshire Sportsability ‘Raising the Bar’ Workshop Sunday 1st March 2015 The Marine Hotel, Troon 10.00am-4.00pm This workshop is aimed at those involved with and participating in disability sports in Ayrshire & Arran – disability sports athletes, clubs, coaches, volunteers and any other interested parties! The programme will…
The first induction for athletes on the waiting list will take place within the Ayrshire Athletics Arena on Thursday 26th February at 18.45 in the Club Room. Emails have been sent out to all the first trench of athletes. There are still athletes on the waiting list and I expect…
East Ayrshire Sports Council are providing this course within the Ayrshire Athletics Arena on Monday 16th February 2015 at 18.30 until 21.30. It is a Scottish Athletics requirement that coaches are certified on this course every three years to maintain their licence. Those enrolled on the course are Dougie Gordon,…
East Ayrshire Sports Council are providing this course within the Ayrshire Athletics Arena on Monday 9th February 2015 at 18.30 until 21.30. Those enrolled on the course are Margaret Chalmers, Thomas Graham and Julie Duff.
The Level 2 Coaching Course will take place within the Ayrshire Athletics Arena on Saturday 21st February. Check your e-mails for further details since Scottish Athletics will contact you direct. Those enrolled for the course are William Roberton, Colin Glencorse, Brian Campbell and Colin King.
The Level 1 Coaching Course will take place within the Ayrshire Athletics Arena on Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th February. Check your e-mails for further details since Scottish Athletics will contact you direct. I have been informed that registration is at 8.45 and the course is expected to finish…
The Annual Dance incorporating the Prize Giving and Young Volunteer Awards will take place within the Foxbar Hotel, London Road, Kilmarnock on Saturday 21st March 2015 at 19.00. There will be a table served finger buffet and the entertainment will be provided by a disco. There is just under seven…
I have been asked to remind everyone who uses the Arena that only water is allowed in the indoor track and after each session all equipment must be returned to the store and the sand pit must be tidied.
The track is closed for safety reasons tonight. The inside area is OK, so the coaches will make any decision regarding training, depending on who appears for training and safety inside regards space and numbers.