Parking Notice Would all parents and carers who arrive in vehicles to pick up children at the end of their training session please ensure that they park in the car park and walk to the stadium. There are too many cars being parked on the turning circle and this…
Articles by Andy Kyle
Committee Notice At the recent AGM, TWO places were left vacant on the Committee specifically to allow parents of athletes a voice. It was felt that with the Club increasing in size that it would be very beneficial for the Club if we also had the parent’s views on…
Kilmarnock Harrier & AC – Club Together Report Firstly, I would like to introduce Andy Kyle who is the other CTO for Kilmarnock. Andy’s role has been changed to suit the needs of the club. He will take on some admin responsibilities as well as co-ordinating the pool of co-ordinators…
Doon Academy intend to be filming this Thursday evening, mind wash behind your ears.
Over the coming months the Club and its athletes will be filmed as part of an “Investigative News Report on the Commonwealth Games” by Doon Academy and by the BBC for their “Inspire Initiative”. If any athlete does not want involved, please let us know. We feel we have covered…
Would all athletes please bear in mind the need for Registering their Attendance at Training. We are required to supply the Trust with a statistical breakdown of attendance figures as well as reporting to Scottish Athletics with similar statistics. This registration also goes a long way towards the smooth running…