The presentations and resources from the National Coach Development weekend in September are now available on the scottishathletics website – There are also a lot of of video clips uploaded from the workshop – sprinting , conditioning exercises and running mechanics. The running drills are best watched in ascending order as they…
Articles by admin
Kilmarnock Harriers athletes won a number of medals at Ayrshire Cross Country Championships held at Irvine Beach Park on 16th November. Young Harriers won a total 2 gold medals- Andrew Spencer (U11) and Caitlin McClounie (U15) and 4 bronze medals Scott Caldow and Claire Orr (both U15) and Angus and…
Kilmarnock Harriers members were presented with awards at the annual East Ayrshire Sports awards night held at St Joseph’s Academy. Jean Youden, our coach, committee member and Scottish Athletics official was presented with the award Service to Sport. Jean has given her support to athletics and Kilmarnock Harriers in particular…
Kilmarnock Harriers open cross country races where traditionally held at the edge of Dean Castle Country Park leading along the fields opposite Kennedy Drive. Our cross country race was widely regarded as one of the toughest races in the cross country calender due to the variety of terrain with its…
National Cross Country Relays at Cumbernauld Athletes from the junior section were in action last Saturday at the National Cross Country Relays Championships, which were held at Cumbernauld. 5 girls teams and 4 boys teams represented the blue and white colours. This year saw a great turnout with a total…
39 Harriers competed at Dam Park for medals at the Ayrshire track & field championships. Although only the first three were rewarded with medals, medals should have really awarded to all competitors, who braved the at times severe weather conditions. Heavy rain and strong gusts made competing very difficult and…
Scottish Athletics held its coach development weekend at the Emirates Indoor Arena, which again proved to be an invaluable learning experience for three Harriers coaches, Donald McIntosh, George Morton and Harald Bartl. The weekend started off with a workshop for coaches, who are enrolled on the new Event Group qualifications (level…
102 Kilmarnock Harriers, ranging from U11 to senior age, competed at the annual club championships, which was held on 8th September at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena. There was a combined total of 70 athletes alone among the younger age groups, U11 and U13. The club championships consists of 4 events,…
The recent web blog just prior to the Scottish Championships was titled ‘Preparation for Scottish Championships are going well‘ and now looking back I can say that careful preparation and planning certainly helped me as a coach to instill confidence in my athletes that things were going into the right…
10 Kilmarnock Harrier travelled to Linwood on 21st August 2013 to compete at the last meeting of the series and it proved to be a very successful event towards the end of the long summer season. In the 100m we had Lorne Kerr (U17) running 13.2 and Erin Connelly clocking…