Annual membership fees now due

Annual membership fees for 2013/14 were agreed at the AGM and were unchanged.  It was confirmed that the nightly / monthly attendance fee is payable for the use of indoor or outdoor facilities at AAA including warm up activities and circuits.

Fee details can be found at :

Payment can be made:

  1. At the registration area on club nights
  2. Post to22 South Hamilton St,Kilmarnock,      KA1 2DN
  3. Internet Banking to:

Clydesdale Bank, Foregate,Kilmarnock

Sort Code 82 65 30 / Account 30304031

If paying by internet banking please ensure that your name is quoted as a reference to allow me to identify your payment.

As noted above payment can be made at registration on club nights (there will be a desk specifically for payment of fees to ensure that nightly registartion is not delayed).  Even if you pay by internet or post please ensure that your personal details are updated with the registration team.   For many senior members the details we hold will be unchanged from when registration forms were originally completed.
