Annual Awards – Presentation Lists

Tickets for the Kilmarnock Harriers awards night (Friday 29th March – 7pm – Fenwick Hotel) are on sale at registration on Mon/Tue/Thur evenings.

Below is a list of this years awards winners.

Kilmarnock Harriers Presentation List 2019


Lots of good feedback was received when the awards we held at this venue last year, so please snap up a ticket before they are all gone!

The club subsidise a portion of the tickets and encourage you to come along and receive your award or cheer on your fellow athletes and have some fun.


If you think your name has been missed off the list then please get in touch.


There is also still time to nominate for the prestigious Hugh’s Cup and Ferguson Trophy. It your opportunity to nominate someone so please take a few minute to do so if you can.

Just follow the link below for details posted by Connell a few days ago…

Quarterly Awards Winners announced and Annual Awards Nominees wanted


Junior Cross Country Champs – Results

Cross Country Champs 2018_19


Track and Field Champs – Results

Results Spreadsheet 2017 U11

Results Spreadsheet 2017 U13

Results Spreadsheet 2017 U15

Results Spreadsheet 2017 U17

Results Spreadsheet 2017 U20 Seniors

