Annual Awards Nominations & Presentation

2015 saw the first presentation of two new trophies at the Club annual awards event, Hugh’s Cup and the Ferguson Trophy. The winners being Lauren Greig and Scott Martin

These awards were donated by two of our long standing members, Hugh Rankin and Matt Ferguson, and are presented to a Junior and a Senior member (including coaches and volunteers) with the general principles in support of nomination being all or any of  Achievement, Improvement, Contribution & Participation. If you know of anyone who deserves to be nominated please pass their name, along with a brief note of your reasons for nominating, to club Treasurer Alasdair Murray  before Sunday 24th January, to allow the panel to consider

A number of nominations have already been received for the 2016 presentation of these trophies which will be made at the Awards Event on Saturday 6th February.  Tickets are on sale now and can be ordered or bought at Club registration


