Annual Awards Nominations – Closing Date 2nd March

A closing date of Friday 2nd March has been set for nominations for the 3 awards presented at the Club awards evening.

As a reminder we are looking for nominations for three Club awards which will be presented on the evening.

Two of these awards – Hugh’s Cup and the Ferguson Trophy – were donated a couple of years ago by two of our long standing members, Hugh Rankin and Matt Ferguson, and are presented to a Junior (Hugh’s Cup) and a Senior member (including coaches and volunteers) (Ferguson Trophy) with the general principles in support of nomination being all or any of Achievement, Improvement, Contribution & Participation.

This year we are also introducing a new award which will be presented annually – Volunteer of the Year.

Eligibility for this award will be current volunteers of the club on a regular basis who have made a major contribution to the club within the last year.

(For the purposes of this award Volunteers are defined as anyone who volunteers their time in pursuit of the club objectives (i.e. Coach, Official, Committee, Club Administration, Parent Helper etc)

If you would like to nominate someone please submit your nomination, including your brief reasons for doing so, in writing.  You can e mail your nomination to
