Announcement – Senior Summer Points Championship

After a two year Covid enforced hiatus, we are delighted to announce that the 2022 Summer Points Championship is going to go ahead.  The break has given us time to reassess how we run this, so for those of you that have taken part before you will notice a few changes.  These have been implemented to try and increase numbers at ALL club run events; and also to take into consideration the work that is put into half marathon and marathon training, often at the expense of other events.  We have also tried to keep events almost exclusively local this time around, both to ensure that Ayrshire events are well supported by the club, and also to reduce the time and financial commitments of travelling further afield to earn points (the only exception to this is the Tom Scott 10 mile, with the justification being that it is the National, West District and SVHC Championship race this year).

The rules are as follows:

  • Best 10 scores from the provisional 17 events to count.
  • Points will be awarded on a decreasing scale with 15 points to the first Harrier across the line, down to 1 point for 15th and every other person who participates.
  • Not all of these races have confirmed dates yet, the committee reserve the right to substitute cancelled events with alternative races at a later date if required. NAAC and Cumbrae are both provisionally planning to run on the 4th of September.  If they do so then they will be removed from the series as they will clash with Club Champs.
  • All club run events will carry a 5 point participation bonus, i.e. if you are first Harrier you will get 15 for the win plus 5 for supporting the event.
  • Best marathon, half marathon and Parkrun times can be obtained at any recognised event held between 2/4/22 and 2/10/22, results will need to be submitted for verification before they are included on the points table. These should be submitted between the 2nd and 16th of October please.  To recognise the work that goes in to training for HM and marathons we will award 5 bonus points for HM best times and 10 bonus points for marathon best times.
  • Events are listed below (subject to above conditions):

We hope to see a lot of senior athletes taking part in this championship this year – hopefully there is something for everyone in there!  There are prizes for the top 3 men and women as well as top Veteran (40 plus) which are presented at the club awards ceremony in March.  A league table will be available on the Harriers website and will be updated regularly alongside the race reports.  Let’s have a great summer of racing in Ayrshire and flood these races with blue and white vests!

As the season goes on we will be looking forward to planning the winter championships, if anyone has any feedback or suggestions please speak to Jennifer or Robert – these are events FOR the athletes so let us know what you would like to see.

All races are listed on the link below –

Summer points announcement
