An Uphill Struggle In Galston!!

On Saturday 10th May, 13 intrepid runners took on the challenge of racing from the town’s Portland Park to the cairn on top of Gallowhill and back. The race was part of the anniversary to celebrate 150 years of Galston as a Borough and featured a grand parade, school sports and a historical re-enactment of the return of Bruce’s heart and the bones of The Black Douglas. Sadly due to communications difficulties, the race was not fully integrated into the wider celebration and went largely unnoticed.

The historically significant course, featured 210 metres of ascent which makes it a course more suited to hill runners than to road runners. And so it was to prove, with star club hill runner David White taking first place in a time of 40 minutes and eight seconds. However the ‘flat’ runners did not give up without a struggle with James Wales keeping Davie honest right to the end and finishing only 19 seconds behind. See James’s report below on the action.

There were also spirited performance from John Cairns 3rd, Mark Hamilton, and Matt Ferguson. The community council marshals also made special mention of John McLarty who not only had the strength to get to the top in some style, but also was able to give them a description of what he thought of the hill!!

First woman was Deborah Reed of Girvan AC in a time of 55.27

Many thanks to Jim, Jean, Ronnie, Matt, Hughie, Ian and Kenny for their help with admin and organisation. We couldn’t run these events without the support of the volunteers. Full results are :-

David White                       Kilmarnock Harriers         40.08

James Wales                      Kilmarnock Harriers         40.27

John Cairns                        Kilmarnock Harriers        42.36

Mark Hamilton                  Kilmarnock Harriers        45.39

John McLarty                     Kilmarnock Harriers        48.30

John Goodenough            Girvan A C                           50.34

Andy Taylor                        Unatt – Kilmarnock          51.50

Matt Ferguson                   Kilmarnock Harriers         53.13

Bruce Walker                     Troon Tortoises                  54.05

Deborah Reed                    Girvan A                              55.27

Ian McNee                          Troon Tortoises                 56.32

Bernard Brown                 Tri Ireland                           60.14

Gordon Dobbie                 Troon Tortoises                  61.13

James Wales account of the action at the front –

“The race started off at a frantic pace with Davie pushing the pace on immediately from the gun. I looked at my split for the first 1km and I was well under personal best pace for 10km and was shocked to have Davie a good 30metres in front.

This stayed the same until we gradually climbed out of the town. I gradually closed the gap until passing Davie about the 3km mark and immediately went past into the lead. Davie dug in and held on to the back of me. Nearing the 4km mark I had made an effort as I Knew Davie was renowned as a hill runner so would be descending fast.

On reaching the rugged run up to the Cairn (which never seemed to be coming) I lost some time and Davie closed the gap slightly. We passed going in opposite directions whilst within the small fenced path at the top. At the turn I had about 10 second lead but was expecting a hard run in as Davie was looking fresh.

I held the lead until the farm on the descent and this is where Davie came charging past. His speed on the descent was frightening and I held on as best as I could. He got a lead about 50 metres on the descent within a very short space.

The gap stayed consistent and nearing the 8km point I started to close the gap slightly but on entering the town he seemed to find another gear and held me off keeping the winning margin the same all the way to the line. Through the last kilometre I just hoped that we had no further hills to encounter as we had seen more than enough for the day.”
