An Evening With The Running Kilt

Come and join us on Friday 21st February, 7.00 till 8.30 at the AAA to meet and listen to inveterate runner and fund raiser Jim Montgomerie, AKA The Running Kilt.

Among his many feats Jim has ran ultra marathons on all 7 continents, he ran from John O Groats to Lands end in 11 days and in November last year ran 16 marathons in 16 days.

Professional boxer, North Ayrshire Councillor, recently honoured with the British Citizen Award for Volunteering, I am sure we will find his talk, inspiring, informative and entertaining.

Please let me know if you wish to reserve a place (s) by email here – Ian Gebbie or via Facebook. Suggested donation is £5 payable on the night, which will go to Jim’s Charity – The IMC Project
