AGM summary

Thanks to those who came along to the AGM on Wednesday, either in person or by Zoom.  I’m not sure how well the joint in person / Zoom approach worked and we’ll pick up with those who joined by Zoom to see what we can do.

You can find Amanda’s review of the year attached.Chair’s Review 2021-2022

We are pleased to welcome Natalie Sharp to the General committee. We still have some vacancies in our Trustee Board and the general committee so if you have some time to help out the Club please let us know.  Needless to say we need some fresh faces and it helps us all to spread the load.

We had some good discussion at the meeting on a number of subjects including;

  • How do we get more members and parents to give some time at events to help out
  • A desire to bring the senior training groups closer together, a progressive structure, competing at events together and growing the Clubs presence.
  • Bringing back registration and getting the Club back at the AAA base.
  • Bringing the Senior Club Standards awards program up to date

Yes, some of these are recurring issues but there was an appetite to get some progress on these so please do what you can to help us achieve this.

We’ve been able to hold membership fees at the same level this year, despite some increasing costs anticipated. For those senior members paying fees annually you can expect to hear when these are payable in the next month.

Finally, thanks to Kate, Louise and Susan for the home baking and tea / coffee service.
