AGM – New Trustees & membership fees

The Club AGM was held on Friday 21st June, and thanks to the 18 members who attended.

After several years service Amanda Bryden, Colin Glencorse and Kate Todd advised they were standing down as trustees and we were pleased that Donald McIntosh, Lindsay McMahon, Mark Alexander and Sal Monachello are willing to step forward and be trustees.  Donald succeeds Amanda as Club President and I’m sure you’ll recognise many of these names as they’re already involved in coaching, officiating activities at the club.

There are still a few vacant positions on the general committee and we’ll let you know a bit more about these in due course, and if you feel able to support the club in these activities please let us know.

The AGM also approved club membership fee rates for the year ahead which are unchanged.  For those members who pay annually, you’ll soon receive notification of payment due.

