AGM 8th April – Information

With just over a week to go please find attached to this post the Agenda and associated documents for the Club Extraordinary General Meeting and General Meeting to be held on Friday 8th April at 7pm in the Park Hotel.

Although the Agenda is short it will be evident from the supporting papers that there continues to be  a lot happening at the Club – and more to be done -as we consolidate our growth and improve the delivery of athletics to the people of Kilmarnock and wider East Ayrshire Community.

With everyone contributing a little (or a lot) we can make real progress in making us an even better Club and building on our success.  We encourage as many members and parents to come along to the AGM hear more of what’s happening, ask questions and maybe even volunteer some of your time over the months and year ahead to spread the many activities.

You’ll see a description of the lead roles required in the “management” of the Club along with supporting activities others can carry out (or the likelihood is they wont get done and our progress slows and the events we participate in, or arrange reduce).

All positions are available for election.  If you wish to be nominated please notify us at, or you can do so on the night.

The Committee

2016 EGM~GM Agenda

March 2015 AGM minutes

Annual Accounts & Notes 2016

Membership fees 2016~17
