Boxing Days Turkey Trot

The last winter champs race of the year was the Ayrodynamic’s Boxing Day Turkey Trot 10k.

Plenty of Kilmarnock Harriers Ran off their Christmas dinner taking part in this race. First in for the Kilmarnock men and taking 3rd in his age category was Connell Drummond. For the ladies it was Jennifer Beattie, taking a new PB for the distance, followed very closely with only seconds between them was Lorne Kerr. Well done to all those that took part, excellent running post Christmas Day festivities.

The 5k fun run was also part of the event, well done to everyone who raced, especially u15 Jamie Phillips and senior Claire Orr who were the fastest male and female Kilmarnock Harriers in the event.

Results from both races can be found here

For the winter champs keeping his lead for the men is Connell Drummond, but now in second place is John Speirs. Also remaining at the top is Paula Wilson for the ladies, Jennifer Beattie remaining in second and into third is now Kirsty McNulty.

Latest points have been added and can be viewed below:

Winter Champs-Men

Winter Champs – Women


Next up for the winter season is the Beith Harriers New Years Road Race on 2nd January 2019. This race has changed slightly as it is now an all new 10k route. Further information and entries can be found at Entry Central. Entries close 29th December.

Your Club Captains would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year when it comes!!!

