High Jump Workshop

Building on the success of the previous three hour workshops, the club are pleased to announce a further workshop on developing High Jump in the club.

This session will be led by Ken Allan, former National Coach Lead for High Jump. Ken has coached a number of Scotland’s top high jumpers over the past two decades, currently coaching Lewis Maguire and Nikki Manson. Ken has a wealth of knowledge on how to introduce and develop jumping in the club setting.

The workshop will take place on Sunday 21st October, 9.30am until 12.30pm and is open to all coaches and leaders in the club.

In addition to the coaches, we will need a few athletes to help with demonstrations and going through a practical warm up for the high jump. Athletes should be competing athletes in the second year Under 13 or above.

Can all coaches, leaders and athletes please advise Jim Goldie of their attendance? Jgoldie1968@gmail.com

Date: Sunday 21st October 2018

Time: 09.30 – 12.30

Venue: Ayrshire Athletics Arena
