Dumfries Half Marathon – Sunday 23/09/2018

The Dumfries Half Marathon was held last Sunday.  Amanda Bryden and Connell Drummond were there to represent the Harriers.  This was an undulating and challenging course and both Amanda and Connell achieved great times.  Connell was the first male veteran in the over 45s category so a huge congratulations to him.

The results of the race were as follows:

Position Athlete Name Time
6 Connell Drummond 1:22:03
124 Amanda Bryden 1:56:49


The full results can be found in this link.

The Summer Championship 2018 tables have now been updated for both the women and men (see below).  It is tight at the top of the women’s table between Amanda Bryden and Rhona O’Neill.  For the moment Amanda takes the lead but the final marathon results may still influence the outcome between the top two.  In the men’s table Connell Drummond is on top with Steven Robson in second place.

Summer Championship 2018 (Women)

Summer Championship 2018 (Men)

The outcome of the Summer Championship 2018 will not be finalised until the start of November 2018 once all marathon times up to the end of October 2018 have been entered.  Once this has been done the final results will be posted.

The Winter Championship season has now begun with the George Cummings Road Relays in Houston due to take place on Saturday 06/10/2018.  If you are interested in taking part then please speak to either Amanda Bryden for the women’s team or Stuart Nibloe for the men’s team.

Please remember that Scottish Athletics membership is needed for some of the races in the Winter Championship if you are not already registered.  The £20 registration pays for a year’s membership and provides members with £2 off for most races held in Scotland so if regularly entering races it can provide value for money.  Registration can be completed by clicking this link.
