Round Cumbrae and updated championship points


On Sunday the Isle of Cumbrae 10 miler took place and this was a race which doubled up as the Ayrshire Championships over the distance.

In a close run, Connell Drummond was first home for Killie in 16th place while Jacqueline McConnell took the ladies honours in the Club stakes with another excellent run.

Club times were –

16th Connell Drummond 1.01.03, 17th Jim Connelly 1.01.15, 35th Steven Robson 1.06.05, 72nd Matt Dodds 1.13.54, 74th Stephen Emerson 1.14.14, 100th Jacqueline McConnell 1.17.35, 116th Kirstin Dalziel 1.19.06, 122nd John Speirs 1.19.51, 125th Jennifer Beattie 1.20.19, 134th Stephen McDowell 1.21.14, 154th Rhona O’Neill 1.23.34, 246th Sandra Dickson 1.37.23, 287th Matt Ferguson 1.55.36

Well done everyone on a blustery day for running.

Connell Drummond still leads the championships for the men closely followed by Steven Robson, whilst Rhona O’Neill has now taken the lead for the ladies with Amanda Bryden just behind.

Latest Points have been added:

Summer Champs-Women

Summer Champs-Men

Only one more summer championship race left for the season which is the 37th Dumfries half marathon which also forms part of the West District Championships. This is held this coming  Sunday, 23rd September. Online entries close 21/09/18 and can enter online at entry central:,

Lets see lots of blue and white to finish off the summer racing season.

