Kilmaurs 5km – Latest Points Added

Wednesday 25th July seen the 11th Kilmaurs Gala 5km Fun Run. What an excellent turnout for Kilmarnock Harriers, great to see so many racing the course. Well done to everyone who took part, juniors and seniors, great racing all round. First in for the men with a fantastic run was Craig Ferguson taking the 15 points and gaining 15 points for the women was Jacqueline McConnell with her 5km PB. Also a huge well done to Matthew Dodds and Kate Todd coming first in their categories and both Kilmarnock Mens and Ladies teams coming second.

At the top of the leader board for the men is Connell Drummond and for the ladies Amanda Bryden, but with still a number of races to go this can all change.

Latest Points have been added:

Summer Championship 2018 Women

Summer Championship 2018 Men

The Next race of the summer Championships is the Dundonald 10km on Wednesday 8th August, starting at 7.30pm. This is pre entry and entries close on Sunday 5th August on entry central:
