Roon the Toon – we need your help

There is just under 2 weeks to go to the Roon the Toon 10K and it is shaping up to be a great event. However we still need marshals to ensure it’s success.

We have over 100 club members running in the event! Many of these folk are our usual stalwart volunteers who turn out regularly to see that our events run efficiently and that our kids can compete fairly and safely in our track and field and cross country races. It would be a pity if we cannot repay the favour at this our blue ribbon event.

So if you are a senior member and are not running, or if you are a parent of a junior member and can be available, then please get in touch here – Ian Gebbie . And don’t worry, you won’t be put on the spot but will only be asked to take on a task that you are happy with, most probably doubling up with someone more experienced.

The race starts at 10.00 on Sunday 12th of JuneĀ  and you will only need to be available for a couple of hours around that time.
