Summer Roadrunning Championship Updated

With only one more race to go & the best marathon times to be added, it was great again to see so many blue & white vested runners taking part in the popular Around Cumbrae 10 mile road race. First Harriers home were Connell Drummond & Rhona O’Neil, both again claiming full 15 points for their efforts, well done to both. Although Connell has been closing in on him, Scott Lyden still leads the Mens Championship & leading the Women’s is Rhona O’Neil. Next & final race of these Championships is Dumfries Half Marathon on Sunday 20th September, this is also a West District Championship race, good luck to all those taking part!

Everyone still has until the end of the year to qualify for a Club Standard Award. You need to have club standard time in 3 distances to count for Bronze, Silver, Gold or Gold Plus Awards. Just check on the Club Standard chart & let Scott Martin know if you have have any qualifying times!

Mens Summer Championship 2015

Womens Summer Championship 2015

Club Captains
