Carnethy 5 Hill Race

The conditions were perfect for the 45th running of the Carnethy 5 Hill Race on 14.02.15, the first big hill race of the season(518 starters). Recent dry weather made for excellent conditions underfoot and the day was mild, dry and windless with good visibility. Charles Lines was first home for Kilmarnock in 64.12 in his debut in the race. This impressive time was no surprise to those who have seen him run on the hills. Next home was David White in 69.09, his time reflecting a lack of running opportunities so far this year due to the snow and ice. Not too far behind was Roddy Pugh in 70.52, one of his better times in this race. No injuries were reported, everyone had a great time and all runners received a commemorative mug and a bottle of Carnethy 5 ale. Wonderful.
