Harriers Annual General Meeting 2015

The Club Annual General Meeting will be held at the Park Hotel on Friday 27th March at 7pm.

All members (including parents of junior members), volunteers and coaches are invited to attend.

We know an AGM can be a dull and boring event but it’s an important opportunity for everyone to have their say on the running and the future of the club. All too often it’s attended by a small number (about 30 from a Club with over 400 members) of the same faces. Although we’re delighted that they continue to attend the Club can only benefit from a large attendance and new and fresh ideas.

The AGM includes the following agenda items as standard:

  • 2014 AGM minutes
  • Presidents report
  • Treasurers Report
  • Subscriptions 2015/16
  • Election of Committee
  • AOCB


There will also be a proposal to make a couple of small changes to the Club constitution.

All committee positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and six general members) are open for election. Any member wishing to stand for any position should notify the Secretary (Suzanne Sharp)

Similarly any proposals for discussion at the AGM should be notified to the Secretary.
