Sunday afternoon saw the town hold their annual Cross Country events and this year a brand new course awaited the large number of athletes who lined up throughout the various age groups.

In the ladies event, Scottish legend Fiona Mathieson had taken the trip through from Falkirk to check out the course in advance of the Scottish National Masters to be held at the same venue at the end of January, and the Veteran World Record Holder had clear daylight between herself and the rest of the field at the end of the 4 mile Ladies race. In the Kilmarnock stakes it was duo Lorna Todd and Paula Wilson who were battling it out and on this occasion it was the former who took the honours with both girls securing Top 10 positions. Paula also secured the top prize in her age category so a good result for both training partners.

Last Race of the day was an event which none other than Steve Ovett has previously won and on this occasion it was Irvine’s David Millar who was marginal pre race favourite for the Senior Men’s Race.

David was however pipped at the post this time, with a great race seeing East Kilbride runner John Ferguson cut the tape with a 2 second margin from his opponent and a fantastic scalp in the process.

Local lad Cameron Wilson was 3rd, and in arguably the best performance by a Kilmarnock athlete Stuart Murdoch secured a Top 10 position. The duo combined with Scott Martin (8th) to take the Team Prize for the host Club, with Scott also landing his age category prize.

Special mentions to a number of athletes making their solo Cross Country debuts, including Mark Alexander and Stuart Murray and both can be pleased with their efforts.

Thanks to the Ayrshire Athletics Arena, and all the many helpers and marshals on a very busy day with every effort being very much appreciated by all the competitors.

Full results here – Kilmarnock XC 2014 Results summary (6)

3 Kilmarnock Harrier athletes were in Road Racing action the previous day at Bellahouston as Connell Drummond and the Lydon brothers took on the 10K.

In a field of hundreds, Connell was first home for the Harriers, and his 36.56 clocking placed him just outside the top 30. Next up was Scott Lydon in a fine effort of 38.22 while Mark also consolidated his recent improvement in fitness in a time of 51.56.

Finally, the Tinto Hill Race took place at the weekend and a couple of specialists from Kilmarnock were in the field.

Roddy Pugh and Charles Lines lined up and although both ran very well, Charles in particular was very happy with his efforts. Running under his 40 minute target, Charles placed highly and importantly this was a big improvement in his time from 12 months previously.
