Harriers win at Ruby’s Race.

After a year’s gap, the popular Ruby Young Memorial 5K Race returned to the scene and with the race starting and finishing at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena the host town were well represented. Previously the race was a Ladies only event but latterly Males were included and a decent number of runners defied the weather to complete the 3.1 mile event.

Despite the exertions of the previous days Cross Country at Cumbernauld, a few athletes took the decision to double up and support the event and this paid dividends as Kilmarnock Harriers took the main prizes.

Cameron Wilson clocked a time of 16.40 for the testing course which gave him a bit of daylight between himself and runner up clubmate James Wales in second, – both fine performances in the dynamic duos second race in less than 24 hours.

Lindsay McMahon scooped the trophy she has won on many previous occasions but arguably performance of the day belonged to young athlete Gillian Johnston, who not only finished first Junior but finished 3rd female overall in a great performance.

Big mentions too go to Liz McDerment who took the veteran honours while the race was brilliantly organised by all involved including Kate Todd and Alex Graham.

Next year see’s the 25th Anniversary of the much loved race and as a number of runs have sadly dropped off the calendar recently it is great to see Ruby’s Race stand the test of time.

Much of this is down to the much needed sponsors and as such massive thanks go to Tam’s Drilling, Sainsbury’s, East Ayrshire Council, and the Ayrshire Athletics Arena. Big Mentions however have to go to Club Stalwart Hugh Rankin who not only gave up most of his weekend to organise the race, but a lot of time in the build up and was appreciated by all involved.
