Stewart Ferguson – In Memoriam

As anyone who has been a member of the club for any length of time will know, The Fergusons (mainly, but not exclusively, in the form of Matt, Morag and Stewart) have been great supporters of Kilmarnock Harriers for many, many years, contributing generously as athletes, coaches and volunteers.

Following Stewart’s untimely death just over a month ago, the club plan to honour his contribution ( and also that of Morag who died last year), in some way that will keep their memory alive.

Stewart in particular interacted and was friends with many club members and we therefore thought it appropriate that they might have an input into how this is achieved.

We are therefore inviting suggestions as to what might be a suitable legacy, for example – an event, an award, a grant etc, etc. A small sub group of the committee comprising Matt Ferguson, Alasdair Murray and Ian Gebbie will then review the proposals and set about implementing the one (or ones) chosen.

If you have a proposal drop me a brief note here Ian Gebbie

and I will get back to you or let me have your input on any clubnight before the end of November.

