Cyclists v Harriers 2013

Sunday  22nd December saw the annual Cyclists v Harriers Cross Country race take place at Irvine, and although the course had held up well to the recent stormy conditions it was wind that was order of the day for the large number of athletes who lined up for the 1pm start of the event.
This year was as competitive as ever, although on this occasion an added twist saw a number of traditional cyclists ditching their wheels, while scattered about the field were runners on bikes. Having won the race on numerous occasions Neil Walker switched sports to run under his Athletics Club Kilmarnock Harriers alongside the likes of Laura McFarlane doing similar, while Harrier Paula Wilson was amongst those making the swap in the other direction as she grabbed her bike and was racing against her partner Scott Russell (who was running as opposed to his usual cycling) to add to the days fun!
Conditions probably did suit the cyclists on the day and this was shown as in the first few hundred metres bikes occupied the top half dozen places. As it settled down however it was Graham Cameron in particular who started to gain ground and pick up some places, while notable performances behind came from Cameron Wilson, and also Neil who was proving his overall sporting agility by pacing himself superbly around the moors as he too came through the field.
When all was said and done, cyclist Steve Halsall took the honours in a time of 25.21 for the 5 mile course with fellow cyclist Colin Bain in 2nd (26.15).
In the Harriers stakes however, Graham Cameron and Cameron Wilson were first runners home with Graham 3rd overall, while Kara Tait was first female runner. Mentions too, to former Kilmarnock Harriers Coach Lorna Sloan who came home first lady overall on her bike, while also on the bike Paula Wilson finished 6th female in a time of 37.03.
Selected running times were –
3rd Graham Cameron 27.15, 6th Cameron Wilson 28.35, 13th Neil Walker 30.53, 21st Colin Glencorse 31.55, 3rd Female Kara Tait 32.40, 16th Female Laura McFarlane 43.23.
Well done to all in tough conditions and thanks to friends and hosts Irvine AC for organising another excellent event.