Highland Fling Relay 2014 – we’re in!

Earlier this year the club had a team in the Highland Fling Relay, a 53mile 4 stage event along the southern half of the West Highland Way.  The report from that event can be found at http://www.kilmarnockharriers.com/highland-fling-relay-2013/.

It was such an enjoyable event that we have managed to enter two teams in the 2014 event on  Saturday 26th April. (The relay event is fully subscribed after only 3 days).  If you’re interested in taking part on what is a great day out please let me know.  We’ll finalise teams nearer the time but we need 8 runners and probably a couple of back up.  Cost per runner is £20

We will also be able to support Mike Corson and Mark Hamilton who have both entered the full solo event.

