Kilmaurs 5K and Metric Miller Meet

Kilmarnock Harrier - News & Events

Kilmaurs 5K  

On Wednesday 31st July, 28 Kilmarnock Harriers took part in the Kilmaurs 5K. This year seen a large turnout out of runners and seen Kilmarnock Harriers pick up prizes.Graham Cameron had an excellent run and was second place in a tough men’s race. Keith Haining took the first vet over 40 prize and Matt Fergus was the first vet over 60. The women’s race was won by Kara Tait with her sister Colleen in second place. Amanda Humes took was the first junior female and Kate Todd was the first over 60 vet. Kilmarnock Harriers Graham Cameron, Cameron Wilson, Keith Haining and Kara Tait also won the team prize. Congratulations to all Kilmarnock Harriers who took part.

Metric Miller Meet

Friday night seen 3 Kilmarnock Harriers take part in the Metric Miller Meet at Scoutson. Cameron Mackie and Roy Shankland raced in the 800m’s and both achieved pb’s with Cameron running 1.57 and Roy 2.00.20. In the 3000m’s Kara Tait set a new pb of 10.10.67. In a large mixed field Kara was 4th after being out sprinted by two athletes in the last 100m’s.
