Valley Dash Results 2023

25 Intrepid runners took on the challenge that is The Valley Dash on a hot and humid night.

Outright winner by a long way was Jamie Cooper, who was almost 7 minutes faster than predicted. In circumstances like this the hadicappers look to see if they have made a typo or got names mixed up. However, in this case they did everything right and based the handicap on the Roon the Toon 10k, the last official result. What they didn’t do was take into account the hard work Jamie has been putting in under the guidance of coach, Colin Glencorse. You might have made the handicappers blush Jamie, but it was all down to the effort you have been making in training. Well done.

Second, and finishing strongly, was Nick Carter, with veteran hill runner, Roddy Pugh not too far behind. Fastest man on the night was Craig Ferguson and fastest woman was Lynsey O’Connor. Richard Beattie ran nearest to form finishing within 3 seconds of his predicted time. All the results are here – Valley Dash 2023 Race Results

Thanks so much to all the runners for taking part and to our great team of volunteers for marshaling and organising the event. Finally thanks to club member, Alisdair Hood for laying on an exceptional buffet.
