Come join me at Parkrun!

Hi everyone,

I am going to be running Dean Park Parkrun on Saturday 18th February. I am letting you all know this as I would love to get as many Kilmarnock Harriers (athletes, volunteers, all age groups, everyone) to join me that morning. If this is normally your training session time then maybe your coach can include this into your session or if you are normally there anyway then all the better. If you have never participated in Parkrun before then this is a free community event where you can run, jog or walk the 5km course, so is open to absolutely everyone. All you have to do to participate is register and get your barcode from:

You can also find out all information on Parkrun there too.

I always find the marshals/volunteers and all the runners very friendly and supportive when I train at Dean Park on Saturday mornings and would like to support them in return by running the parkrun.

So if you are available and up for it, then get on your Harriers T-shirt and lets run/jog/walk together!!!!

see you there!



KH&AC Chairperson
