Senior/U20 Race Report 6th December 2022

The last couple of weeks have been a little quieter on the racing front following a really busy spell,
however what we may have lacked in quantity we have definitely been making up in quality!

On Sunday the 27 th of November, Ross Granger took part in the MoRun 5k at Glasgow Green. He
was a man on a mission to get his last time for a club standards award, and his determination was
rewarded with a huge PB of 17:15 and also taking the overall win – well done Ross!

This weekend saw the West District XC held on home turf at Kilmarnock, and we were really lucky to
have a kind weather day! Following a fairly dry week the course was much more inviting than it has
been in previous years, and there was some fantastic running from our senior and U20 athletes.
First up were our ladies, with Lorna Baird 1 st Harrier home in a fantastic 20 th overall, followed by
Bethany Ross in 60 th and Amanda Bryden in 76 th . Unfortunately 4 scores are required to count for
the teams so there was no overall team placing, but great running from all.

The next race was the U20 men who ran alongside the U17s but over a longer course. We only had
one representative, but Jonathon Downey made sure it counted by finishing in a fine 6 th place which
gains him automatic qualification for the Inter District XC to be held in Perth in the New Year – well
done Jonathon!

The final race of the day was the senior/masters men’s race. Unfortunately we had a few call offs
due to injuries and illness, but we still had 10 men put their toe on the line to represent the club in a
strong field. First back was Martin Brown in 20 th overall, followed by Craig Ferguson (30 th ), David
Sherrington (75 th ), David McLure (112nd), David Anderson (185 th ), Mike Corson (199 th ), Nick Carter
(206 th ), Stewart McAllister (249 th ), Russell Duncan (254 th ) and Murray McDonald (267 th ). The senior
team (best 6 to score – Martin, Craig, all 3 Davids and Mike) finished in 12 th overall, with the Masters
team of David Sherrington, David Anderson and Mike Corson finishing 11 th Masters team.

Following this event there is some change at the top of the ladies table, with Amanda Bryden now
taking the lead with 47 points. Jennifer Beattie remains in 2 nd for now with 39, but Bethany Ross and
Laura Haggarty are very much still in the hunt with 35 and 34 respectively. In the men’s table, Craig
Ferguson remains on top with 58 points, with Jonathon Downey hot on his heels with 56 points.
Jamie Nix and Nick Carter share 3 rd place currently with 36 points apiece. The next race with
available points is the Christmas Handicap to be held on Thursday the 15 th of December – details are
available on TeamApp and Harriers social media but please let your captains know if you want to
take part ASAP. The next race after this will be the Turkey Trot 10k on Boxing Day – entries are open
on EntryCentral, don’s miss out.

Check out the tables here – winter points (2)
