Senior Summer Championship Update 27th September 2022

You may have seen that the Club Championship results have now been posted on the Facebook page
– our top 3 U20 ladies were Isla Raeburn, Hannah Burn and Laura Jedrusiak and for the senior ladies
the win went to Laura Haggarty, with Jennifer Beattie in 2 nd and Louise Baillie in 3 rd . The top 3 for the
U20 men with some fierce competition were Ally Mitchell, Jonathon Downey and Josh Smith. Taking
the win for the senior men was Craig Ferguson, followed by Jamie Nix in 2 nd and David Sherrington in
3 rd . Prizes will be awarded to all of these athletes at the awards night in the spring, but a huge well
done to ALL who took part on the day – I’m sure you will agree it was a lot of fun!

These results mean that the summer league is now complete other than the best times for Parkrun,
HM and Marathon – you have until the 2 nd of October to post a Parkrun or Half Marathon time and
until the 1 st of November to post a marathon time and the overall league winners will be announced
at that stage. There will be instructions on social media week commencing 3/10/22 on how to
submit times. Remember that it is your best 10 results overall that will count and nothing is a done
deal at the top of the tables as they stand.

The tables have now been amended to include club championships and only the best 10 results
which has resulted in a bit of movement at the top of the men’s table. Club champs points have
also been allocated against each age group i.e. U20s and Seniors have a separate set of points to
reflect the separate scoring. David Sherrington now takes top spot with 111 points to count, and it is
a 3 way tie for 2 nd place between Colin Anderson, Paul Black and Craig Ferguson with 107 points
apiece. Long term leader Mark Lyden sits just behind with 97 points so all to play for and another
two weekends to get that Parkrun or HM time!

At the top of the ladies table, Kirsty Mackay continues to dominate with 142 points to count. Sasha
I’Anson is next with 126 points and Louise Baillie is in 3 rd with 103 points. Again there is still all to
play for, with bonus points available for HM and Marathon times and several of these coming up in
the diary for the ladies.

The updated tables can be seen below, if anyone has any queries PLEASE let me know ASAP. The
next events are West District XC relays on the 8 th of October (entries now closed, thank you to all
who signed up!) and then Ayrshire XC relays on the 15 th of October for which we will be looking for
names for soon. Best of luck to everyone competing at the Great Scottish Run next weekend!

summer points league
