SUNDAY s CLUB CHAMPS Athlete and Spectators Information

Athletes please arrive from 10am and no later than 11am Uplift your number and goodie bag from declarations which will be set up outside the entrance to reception
Athlete’s competing in the 11am field events (Under 13 Girls High Jump Under 15 Boys Javelin and Under 11 Boys Turbo Javelin)your warm up jumps / throws will commence from 10 30
The timetable has been posted on the Harriers Facebook page and copies will be placed on site on Sunday .Please note all timings are approximate so please listen for announcements as your event maybe brought forward or be delayed
Spectators are welcome and are encouraged to come along and support the athletes but please adhere to current Corunavirus guidelines
Hot food catering van will be on site

Parking please park responsible in the car park and only use designated parking slots If the car park is full at the AAA please park at Scott Ellis or the retail park
And finally to all athletes competing enjoy the day
