SA Virtual Relays 2020

Last weekend saw 20 senior Harriers take on the second Scottish Athletics Virtual Road Relays.  SA have organised a number of virtual events across various times and distances since lockdown began with some excellent results for the club, and this week was to be no different!

This week’s format was 3 x 5k legs and 3 x 10k legs, and we had 11 completions at 5k and 9 at 10k.

The open team of Richard Mair, Kara Tait, Robert Lindsay, Martin Brown, Craig Ferguson and Connell Drummond finished second overall (a mere 25 seconds behind the winning team), and the men’s team of Richard, Robert, Scott Masterton, Martin, Craig and Connell were also second overall.  The ladies were 7th in the final standings.

There were some outstanding performances from club members, with Kara Tait and Richard Mair being overall fastest woman and man respectively in the 5k category.  Both Martin Brown and Craig Ferguson were in the top 10 overall in the 10k category.

Looking to the age groups, Martin Brown was 2nd senior man in the 10k category, Robert Lindsay was 3rd M45 in the 5k category and Lorna Baird was 3rd senior woman over 10k.   Both Lorna and Aly Conquer both featured in the top 5 in the senior women’s 10k category, and Laura Jedrusiak (on her first run out for the senior team) was first U17 woman over 5k.

Full results can be found here

As a club we look forward to the safe return of racing, and if this weekend’s performances are anything to go by then we will be in a great position to target individual and team prizes both on the road and XC in the coming months.  Well done to everyone who put their toe on the virtual line this weekend to represent the club!

-Jennifer Beattie

