Roon The Toon 10k 2019

Roon The Toon was a resounding success at the weekend with a fantastic number of Harriers running the race and there were a fair number of PBs achieved on the day. Amanda has painstakingly created a list of all the Harriers (apologies if anyone’s been missed) which is attached here – Roon The Toon 2019
The overall winner for the event was Calum McKenzie of Costorphine AAC in 30:58 and 1st female overall was Elspeth Curran from Kilbarchan AAC in 34:18.
For the Harriers we had Richard Mair 2nd overall in a fantastic time of 31.14 with Martin Brown 4th in 33.05. Scott Martin (v50) came 2nd in his age category while Kirsty Alexander was first female Harrier. Victoria McDowall (U17) was 2nd in her age category with Eilidh Ballantyne (U17) 3rd for age. Kate Todd (v60) came 3rd in her age group.
The Killie Women consisting of Kirsty Alexander, Claire Orr and Jacqueline McConnell also won the team prize as did the Killie Men made up of Richard Mair, Martin Brown and David McLure.
Well done to everyone who competed, supported and volunteered.