2015 Awards Nominations

scottishathletics are pleased to announce that the 2015 National Awards are now open for nominations. These awards recognise the excellent work and dedication of our many volunteers and partners across the country.


I recognition of the diversity of the sport we have a number of categories in which would like to invite nominations: –

  • Volunteer
  • Coach
  • Partnership
  • Club

A full list of categories can be found on the attached nomination form.


The shortlist for each of the coach awards will be announced at the National Coaching Conference, 26th and 27th September at the Emirates Arena.


The award presentation will take place at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow on 31st October 2015 at the Annual Awards. Full ticket details will be announced during September, see the scottishathletics website for details.


Please ensure that all nominations are sent to to arrive no later than 12noon on 21st September 2015.
